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Uber uses TAUS EPIC API to measure and improve the quality of its global customer care platform

Support Content is the Face of the Customer
The quality of content significantly influences the support experience of Uber’s customers. For instance consider an Eater who requests help canceling a severely delayed order. The same resolution, such as a refund, can be accompanied by either a robotic-sounding machine-translated message, or a message with a style and tone that expresses genuine empathy and acknowledges the user’s disappointing experience on our platform.
Support content, as a natural representation of the support experience and the brand’s promise, significantly influences how customers feel and perceive the company brand. Furthermore, such content plays a crucial role in educating users about product behavior and company policies while encouraging them to action. Additionally, support content (such as knowledge base articles) helps deflect commonly asked questions, reducing the number of contacts handled by support agents. In summary, support content is typically the first point of contact for a dissatisfied customer. As such, it is crucial that this content not only placates and reassures the customer, but also addresses the primary issue, transforming customer dissatisfaction into delight.
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The Client

The Challenge

The Solution

The Result

Uber’s Customer Care Platform

Uber’s Customer Care platform (Support platform) presently supports content across multiple business sectors, including Uber Mobility (Rider, Driver), Uber Delivery (Eater, Courier, and Merchants), Uber For Business (Organizations and Employees), Uber Freight (Carrier, Shipper). Support content is translated with MT engines into and out of more than fifty languages. The platform facilitates the experience for hundreds of content creators, strategists and specialists who produce the support content. Furthermore, it is used by thousands of agents who incorporate the authored content into their daily handling of support tickets, and by millions of users who access it as an essential part of their support experience.

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ING Hubs Poland found out that training with TAUS datasets improves the number of perfect translations by 15% and with 95% precision.

Domain-Specific Training Data Generation for SYSTRAN

After the training with TAUS datasets in the pandemic domain, the SYSTRAN engines improved on average by 18% across all twelve language pairs compared to the baseline engines.

Customization of Amazon Active Custom Translate with TAUS Data

The customization of Amazon Translate with TAUS Data always improved the BLEU score measured on the test sets by more than 6 BLEU points on average and 2 BLEU points at a minimum