ING Hubs Poland
With 95% precision (Confidence Level), it was seen that all translations generated through the MT engine trained by TAUS datasets will ALWAYS be better.
Talk to our Data Experts to help you find the right type of data for your next project. Niche domains or rare languages? We have a large suite of services to generate your dataset.
TAUS Estimate API as the Ultimate Risk Management Solution for a Global Technology Corporation
Based on examples of texts from one of the largest technology companies in the world, TAUS generated a large dataset and customized a quality prediction model. The accuracy rate achieved was 85%.
Domain-Specific Training Data Generation for SYSTRAN
After the training with TAUS datasets in the pandemic domain, the SYSTRAN engines improved on average by 18% across all twelve language pairs compared to the baseline engines.
Customization of Amazon Active Custom Translate with TAUS Data
The customization of Amazon Translate with TAUS Data always improved the BLEU score measured on the test sets by more than 6 BLEU points on average and 2 BLEU points at a minimum.