Domain and language specific text data creation can be the most challenging part of a machine learning project, especially at scale. We can help.
100K+ qualified people from 115+ countries are ready to create the text data tailored to the requirements of your unique machine learning projects. With the help of our diverse and controlled community, we create domain-specific text datasets to help build AI-based systems that make the world a more digitally inclusive place.
100k+ diverse community of text data contributors
105+ languages
115+ countries
15% Increase in Number of Perfect Translations for ING Hubs poland
ING Hubs Poland found out that training with TAUS datasets improves the number of perfect translations by 15% and with 95% precision.
Domain-Specific Training Data Generation for SYSTRAN
After the training with TAUS datasets in the pandemic domain, the SYSTRAN engines improved on average by 18% across all twelve language pairs compared to the baseline engines.
Customization of Amazon Active Custom Translate with TAUS Data
The customization of Amazon Translate with TAUS Data always improved the BLEU score measured on the test sets by more than 6 BLEU points on average and 2 BLEU points at a minimum.
Quality Assurance
Customized & Domain-Specific
Data at Scale
What is training data?
Why does training data for AI and ML matter?
What are the types of training data?
How much training data do I need?
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Talk to our experts to advance your ML systems with premium text data created specifically for your project.