Announcing A New Demo Interface for the TAUS Estimate API

5 minute read

Discover the new TAUS Estimate API Demo Interface, designed to quickly assess the quality of machine translations. Save time, reduce costs, and boost productivity by identifying high-quality segments that don't require further editing.

Imagine you've just machine-translated a large document. You've saved both time and costs, but you’re not sure if the quality of these automatic translations is good enough. Do you now need to review each and every sentence or hire professional translators or post-editors to do this for you and ensure accuracy? Since you cannot tell which of the sentences in the machine translation are of good quality and which are not, everything needs to be checked carefully. This means that you still pay for every word and you still spend a lot of time doing the manual work.

But what if there was a way to eliminate this uncertainty? What if you could quickly and confidently assess the quality of your machine translations, reducing the need for exhaustive reviews and extensive post-editing?

Introducing the TAUS Estimate API Demo Interface

We are excited to announce our new Demo Interface for the TAUS Estimate API, a tool designed to take the guesswork out of translation quality assessment. Built on advanced AI models trained with massive amounts of high-quality TAUS data, our API evaluates the quality and accuracy of translations in real time. It scores each translated segment on a scale of 0 to 1, so you know exactly which parts of your translation can be trusted and which may need a closer look.

Why Use the TAUS Estimate API?

  • Save Time and Money: With the TAUS Estimate API, you can bypass the need for a full-scale review. Segments scoring over 90% are flagged as high-quality, meaning they typically don't require further editing. This could allow you to focus your resources on only the parts of the document that truly need attention, potentially reducing your post-editing workload and costs by up to 70%.
  • Boost Productivity: By automating the quality assessment process, you can significantly accelerate your translation workflows. Imagine how much faster you could deliver projects when you don’t have to go through the process of manual checks on every sentence.
  • Increase Confidence: Our API doesn't just save you time—it gives you peace of mind. Knowing that your content has been rigorously evaluated by our AI models, you can confidently move forward with your projects, assured of their quality.

See It in Action

Testing the TAUS Estimate API is now easier than ever. Our new Demo Interface allows you to simply upload your translation files, and within moments, you'll receive a detailed quality assessment that highlights which segments are good to go and which might need another look. The Demo Interface is available in English into French, Italian, German and Spanish. You can upload files with up to 100 segments at once.


Ready to find out how quality estimation can benefit you and your business?? Try the TAUS Estimate API Demo Interface here and discover how easy it can be to ensure top-quality translations without the usual hassle. Note that you need to be signed up for a Free Trial in order to use the demo.



Anne-Maj van der Meer is a marketing professional with over 10 years of experience in event organization and management. She has a BA in English Language and Culture from the University of Amsterdam and a specialization in Creative Writing from Harvard University. Before her position at TAUS, she was a teacher at primary schools in regular as well as special needs education. Anne-Maj started her career at TAUS in 2009 as the first TAUS employee where she became a jack of all trades, taking care of bookkeeping and accounting as well as creating and managing the website and customer services. For the past 5 years, she works in the capacity of Events Director, chief content editor and designer of publications. Anne-Maj has helped in the organization of more than 35 LocWorld conferences, where she takes care of the program for the TAUS track and hosts and moderates these sessions.

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