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Pre-Conference Session

Introduction to GenAI in Localization

Accelerated learning workshop ahead of TAUS Annual Conference

04 October 2023, 13:00 to 18:00

Little America Hotel, Salt Lake City (USA)

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About the Workshop

This workshop provides an intensive introduction to generative AI for localization executives. Learn how to implement ChatGPT and its counterparts, and take the first step to transform your localization team into a center of excellence in language models.

  • You will learn

    Gen AI Landscape:

    gain insights into the emerging landscape of language models, including OpenAI, HuggingFace, Nvidia, Microsoft, Google, Cohere, Steamship, and others.

    Use Cases and Applications:

    explore scenarios where language models come into play in localization and other departments.

    Governance and Risk Management:

    equip yourself with methods to evaluate and score risk, avoid data leaks, and mitigate output inaccuracies.

    Live Projects:

    Experts will review 4-7 case studies from localization teams inside global brands implementing OpenAI technology. Follow the peer analysis of the organizational impact and pitfalls and consider bringing your own use case to benefit from a multi-perspective analysis. 

    The session requires no prior technical knowledge of generative AI, only an overall understanding of localization. The program is tailored to non-developer executives who are building up their understanding and resources in language AI.

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Konstantin Dranch
Wayne Bourland
Director of Translation
Bridget Hylak
Founder and Senior Consultant
TongueTek Language Consulting
Adam Youngfield
Head of Globalization
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Julien Didier
VP, Technology
Manuel Herranz
Olga Beregovaya
VP, AI, and MT
Konstantin Savenkov
Co-founder and CEO
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Who should attend

Localization executives.

AI strategists.

Project Managers tasked with evaluating and implementing GPT-4 and alternatives.

Conversational AI and global content specialists.

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Session Title


1:00 pm

Warm-up and participant introduction

1:15 pm

Emerging GenAI landscape overview

- Landscape components: model builders, prompting environments, data pipelines, leaderboards.

- Ecosystems (OpenAI & Microsoft, Nvidia, Meta, Hugging Face, others).

- Open-source models to adapt.

Konstantin Dranch, Custom.MT

2:00 pm

Interactive QA

Enterprise Use Cases: replace or augment current tools/process.

- in localization and global content 

- adjacencies

- non-content departments

Participant questions and cases 

- Case study 1: US Courts & Schools – Bridget Hylak, TongueTek Language Consulting

- Case study 2: Extensive ChatGPT testing at the LSD Church - Adam Youngfiel, Head of Globalization The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

Wayne Bouler, Dell.

3:15 pm

Networking break

3:45 pm

Hands-on Session 

- Designing better prompts

- Practical factors: cost, implementation effort, quality gains, and user experience

- Experiment results – what works and what doesn’t

Julien Didier, Transperfect

5:00 pm

LLM Customization and Fine-Tuning

- Fine-tuning methods

- Empirical outcomes

- Datasets and other resources required

Manuel Herranz, Pangeanic

5:45 pm

Closing remarks

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Registration & Location

The workshop will be held at the Little America Hotel in Salt Lake City, on Wednesday 4 October 2023 (the pre-conference day of the TAUS Annual Conference).

Get in touch to find out more about group discounts.

Note that Pre-conference Sessions are not included in the TAUS Annual Conference registration fee.

Pre-Conference Session

GenAI in Localization

Registration for 1 person.

€ 380

Annual Conference

The TAUS Annual Conference is the place where key globalization and language stakeholders from the tech industry, global enterprises and their solution providers meet to benchmark strategies.

Pre-Conference Session

Quality Estimation Workshop

A joint initiative between the main providers of Quality Estimation or Quality Prediction, TAUS and ModelFront.  Participants in this workshop will learn firsthand from technical leaders in these companies and their customers about the sustainable approach and real-world implementations.

Pre-Conference Session

Unleashing the Power of SeamlessM4T

Join this tutorial to stay up to date with the latest developments in speech technology and unlock the full potential of scaling speech translation, enabling effective communication in an interconnected world.

Organized and hosted by the Facebook AI Research team.

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This workshop is hosted by Custom.MT in partnership with TAUS.

Konstantin Dranch (kd@custom.mt)

Workshop program.

Kate Vostokova (kate@custom.mt)

Communications and announcements.

Please email Konstantin to propose a talk or submit a case study for the event.