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Pre-Conference Session

Quality Estimation Workshop

A practical walk through AI for more efficient translation

04 October 2023, 13:00 to 17:00

Little America Hotel, Salt Lake City (USA)

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About the Workshop

The Quality Estimation Workshop is a joint initiative between the main providers of Quality Estimation or Quality Prediction, TAUS and ModelFront. Participants in this workshop will learn firsthand from technical leaders in these companies and their customers about the sustainable approach and real-world implementations.

  • Post-editing was unsustainable

    Most human translation effort is wasted on perfectly good machine translations. As enterprises adopted MT, and MT quality improved, professional human translators started leaving most of the segments - up to 90% - unedited. It’s a good problem to have - if all those perfectly good segments could somehow be separated from those that do need a human touch, like exact matches are separated from fuzzy matches.

  • A more efficient, “hybrid” approach: AI for quality control
  • Efficiency is now generally available
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Artur Aleksanyan
Adam Bittlingmaier
Amir Kamran
Solution Architect
Richard Sikes
Senior Consultant
Mathijs Sonnemans
Solutions Architect
Stephen Tyler
Anderson Vaz
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Who should attend

Those looking to increase PE volume or PE save time and costs, whether localization managers or technology managers at enterprises, or LSPs.

Localization managers in enterprises in any phase of their MT First strategy.

Technology providers who want to upgrade their offering with a QE implementation.

Anyone interested in building an AI-driven quality control step into their workflows.

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Session Title


1:00 pm

Welcome and Introduction

Opening remarks and program overview

Jaap van der Meer (TAUS)

1:15 pm

AI-powered QE:

Evolution of the research, use cases and adoptionExplore the historical progression of AIQE research, delve into real-world use cases highlighting its applications, and discussion on the growing adoption of this technology

Adam Bittlingmayer (ModelFront)

1:45 pm

How AIQE Works:

Overview of Models and Scoring

Acquire an understanding of the fundamental mechanisms behind AIQE, encompassing an overview of the employed models and the scoring techniques

Amir Kamran (TAUS)

2:15 pm

Use case - Enhancing Post-Editing Efficiency (MotionPoint)

Learn from valuable insights from MotionPoint on how AIQE enhances post-editing by intelligently managing cost and quality trade-offs

Stephen Tyler (Motionpoint)

2:35 pm

Integrating MTQE with memoQ and Blackbird

Find out more about how you can implement a quality estimation step into your existing TMS or workflow management systems. Expect live demos and glances into the user interfaces.

Richard Sikes (memoQ) and Mathijs Sonnemans (Blackbird)

3:05 pm


3:35 pm

Getting Your Setup Right

Customization, Data, and Testing.

Dive into the technical aspects of AIQE implementation, including customization, data requirements, language support, and strategies to evaluate

Anderson Vaz (TAUS) and Adam Bittlingmayer (ModelFront)

4:00 pm

Production Rollout - APIs and TMS Integrations

Learn about the practical steps involved in integrating AIQE into production workflows, including APIs and seamless integration with Translation Management Systems (TMS)

Anderson Vaz (TAUS) and Adam Bittlingmayer (ModelFront)

4:30 pm

Discussion and Q&A

Engage in open discussion, ask questions, and exchange insights with presenters and fellow participants to further explore the nuances of AIQE

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Registration & Location

The workshop will be held at the Little America Hotel in Salt Lake City, on Wednesday 4 October 2023 (the pre-conference day of the TAUS Annual Conference).

Get in touch to find out more about group discounts.

Note that Pre-conference Sessions are not included in the TAUS Annual Conference registration fee.

Pre-Conference Session

Quality Estimation Workshop

Registration for 1 person.

€ 380

Annual Conference

The TAUS Annual Conference is the place where key globalization and language stakeholders from the tech industry, global enterprises and their solution providers meet to benchmark strategies.

Pre-Conference Session

GenAI in Localization

An intensive introduction to generative AI for localization executives. Learn how to implement ChatGPT and its counterparts, and take the first step to transform your localization team into a center of excellence in language models. Organized by CustomMT.

Pre-Conference Session

Unleashing the Power of SeamlessM4T

Join this tutorial to stay up to date with the latest developments in speech technology and unlock the full potential of scaling speech translation, enabling effective communication in an interconnected world.

Organized and hosted by the Facebook AI Research team.